Creating a GDAP (Granular Delegated Admin Relationship):
  1. Login to partner centre:
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  1. Select Customers and search for the customer, If they do not appear you will need to invite them. To do this > Indirect Providers > Select Infinigate from the list and request the customer accepts this as a global admin
Example Invitation Link:
  1. Click on the customer account name > Admin Relationships
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  1. Once here you will see any relationships they may have and options to either:
  • Request New Relationship
  • Terminate Relationship

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  1. If they have no relationship currently or you would like to create a new relationship to give a separate group of users permissions click Request for new Reseller relationship

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A few things to note;
  • Each Relationship name must be unique, you can call them Similar things such as the customer name and the year or customer name and then the role
  • The maximum value for Duration in Days is 730 days (2 Years)
  • Auto Extend cannot be used if you select Global Administrator under the Microsoft Entra Roles

An Example of a completed GDAP relationship request is below. We use a default set of permissions which allow us to provision licenses and have basic access to raise support tickets with Microsoft and assist you with issues, however, you can select any roles you require:

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  1. Click Finalize request and have the Global Admin for the customer accept the relationship link
  2. Navigate Back to the admin relationships tab > Click on the relationship

You will see information about the relationship, the Start Date, the End Date, Whether it is being extended for 6 months at the end date and the Security Groups (Who in your company has access to manage them)

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When first added it will go to a pending state, after a few minutes it will then change the roles to active and you will be able to log in and manage the tenant via the partner centre

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If you have any Questions, Problems or need further support with this process please contact us on or give us a call on 0345 249 3303 Option 1.